Thursday, 30 July 2020

Key to visitors

Here are the people who've contributed to this blog so far, with whatever I know about their dates at the school, and links to their own Web sites, if any.

  • Roger Dawson 1944-48
  • Anthony Sweeting 1945-48
  • David Woodall/Mackinley-Woodhall 1946-51
  • John Corps 1945-52
  • Derek Brian Hulme 1950-53 (approx)
  • Nigel Cant 1949-55
  • Christopher Ellis 1952-57
  • Michael Langley-Smith 1952-57
  • Ken Merron 1955-57
  • David Dawson 1954-60
  • Nick Benn 1955-60
  • James Sillavan 1958-62
  • Richard Guha 1959-62
  • Jonathan Marler 1959-62
  • Jeremy Blatchford 1961-63
  • Mike Curtis 1959-64
  • Jeremy Cape 1960-64
  • Chris Hale 1961-64
  • David Ireland 1959-65 (?)
  • David Llewellyn 1960-65
  • Julian Williams 1962-67
  • Jonathan Palfrey 1963-67
  • Emile Farhi 1963-68
  • Charles Llewellyn 1962-68
  • Robert St Maur Mills 1963-68
  • David Povey 1963-68
  • Peter Dawson 1965-69
  • Andrew Porter 1966-69
  • Jonathan Hely-Hutchinson 1968-69
  • Roger Fayle/Knott-Fayle 1965-70
  • Stephen Fry* 1965-70
  • Richard Madley 1968-70
  • Jonathan Tilney 1968-70
  • Andrew Pike 1964-71
  • Richard Leitch 1966-71
  • Robin Kimmons 1967-71
  • Ashoak Daryani 1965-72
  • Bob Davidson 1968-72
  • Michael Lawson 1968-72
  • Laurence Robinson 1968-72
  • A.J.G. (John) Morris 1968-73
  • Colin Richards 1968-73
  • William Greeves 1969-73
  • David Clemes 1969-74
  • Huw Warren 1972-74
  • Jason Crossley-John 1973-75
  • Justin Tugwell/Hunter 1970-77
  • Andrew Gordon-Johnson 1973-?
  • Robert Darell 1974-79
  • Alan Davis 1974-79
  • Richard Mechan 1974-79
  • David Morris 1975-79
  • Tim Ridley 1975-79
  • Paul Reynolds 1975-79
  • Giles Walker 1975-79
  • Michael D. Walker —
  • Sarah Cromie —

*Stephen Fry hasn't contributed to this blog, as far as I know, but I've occasionally referred to his autobiography Moab is my washpot (1997).

Any dates you may see elsewhere on the Web are unreliable: it seems that many people misremember their own dates. I take dates from the Stouts Hill Magazine whenever I can.

When people have changed their surnames since leaving the school, I've given both names like this: name-then/name-now.


Anonymous said...

I'm AJG Morris (1968-1973)
And also Blundells (NC 1973-1978)!
I can't quite get the hang of this blog yet, but will endeavour to do so, so that I can respond properly.
This is thus sort of my second message.
Meanwhile I will dash of this:
I have for instance a number of photos I took at SH. (I'd better start scanning). Including Tony Blackburn who once turned up with Pete Murray for a swim!
I also have excellent memories of all kinds of members of staff etc.
For example Soggy Sawdon was called Tim.
Also remember having Stephen Fry home as a house guest one weekend!
When the school closed and the “Kingfisher Society” was effectively wound up Jeremy Lee-Browne complied an address list. I still have my copy, but it would be a bit much to make that public.
I still have my Kingfisher tie!

I am typing up something more coordinated and will get touch again

John M.

Anonymous said...

John Morris again, though technically anonymous.
Regarding the scholarship board. I never realised my name was on it, as I only got an exhibition not a scholarship! And I, like you, had obviously left and gone to Blundell's by the time it was added. In my time the boards were at the bottom of the steps near Refectory dining room.
I have just found over fifty SH related photographs taken by me between 1969 and 1974 approx. Better get scanning.

Jonathan said...

Hello John, my 'scholarship' award from Blundell's was also an exhibition.

If you want to leave a non-anonymous comment without having a Google account, click Other. You can then fill in a field with your name.

Anonymous said...

Duh, Right,
Thanks Jonathan
Sorry, it got all complicated when I tried the other way. I live in Holland and the settings all defaulted to half Dutrch and Half English, and even though I am fluent in the language I get annoyed with my computer making decsions for me that leave a chaotic mess.
As an OB I know how to get in touch with you if the address register is up to date. I'm in the register too. I think it might be easiest to make a CD Rom of data and Photos and send it to you.
I have just rememebred that I think I have somewhere some of the old style school reports wehich included the marks for all boys in all classes. That will be quite handy for helping with names etc. as will Jeremy Lee Browne's list.

Jonathan said...

Thanks for the offer of a CD of assorted stuff, it would certainly be welcome. My address is correct in the Old Blundellian register; you can also find my e-mail address here.

Andrew Porter said...

Great to have found this - My name is Andrew Porter - left in 1967 to go to Felsted School in essex - I have so many found memories of Stouts Hill..I still think of Cromie as the best teacher I ever had and glad he is settled in the area.
Point of interest - had a lovely maths master Middleton Kemp who at that time must have been in his 60's - havn't seen him mentioned? or did I miss it?

Anonymous said...

I arrived at Stouts Hill in 1972 and Mr Kemp seemed to be very old then. I remember him getting very cross with us once as we put ink on his seat before he came in to the classroom which then marked his suit. I also think that Cromie was one of the best teachers I ever had. Did he just retire after the school shut in 1979?

Jonathan said...

Hello Huw, welcome to the blog and thanks for your comments. I'm afraid I'm not sure when Mr Kemp was born nor what Mr Cromie did after 1979. Does anyone know?

According to the Stouts Hill Magazine, Mr Kemp graduated from Oxford in 1947, but I think he must have been a 'mature student', unless he had the knack of looking older than he was.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. John Morris !! Thanks for the hospitality of you and your family during weekends - little overdue !! And Jonathan thanks for putting this all together. Excellent job. I was in Stouts Hill from 1965 - 1972. If you need any insights during that period do let me know. I think that Jane Angus was the closest thing to heaven for all of us guys.

Jonathan said...

Hello Ashoak, thanks for your comments. Do go ahead and comment wherever you have something to add.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ashoak

That's for mentioning my mother's hospitality.


Bob Davidson said...

John Morris? Ashoak Daryani? There's a couple of names I haven't heard in a while. Thanks everyone for posting the piccies - coo a few memories!
It was OK for you lot going on to your namby pamby southern schools. I can assure you that Stouts Hill was no preparation for Sedbergh. It was pretty grim up north to begin with and I missed Gloucestershire. Hope to see everyone at the reunion.
Davidson RFH

Anonymous said...

Hello to Robert (Bob) Davidson,
I remember once being very close to Sedburgh when it was snowing, so I never thought bnit was the warmest place in the country!
It was "grim down south" too mind what with there being no heating in the dormitories at Blundells in my day. I remember snow on someone's bed after a window got left open.


Anonymous said...

Justin Tugwell, now Justin Hunter Blogging. I have just read the blogg. I understand Mr Kemp was 70 in 1970 the year I started at Stouts Hill and started teaching there in the 1930’s when the school first opened and sadly retired one term before the school closed.

I remember being six or seven years old and being told to stand in the corner and to take one hundred lines for talking in his lesson. Not fully understanding I asked where I should take the lines and received a beating for impertinence. Bless him!

Was it just me or did we all call him compost on the grounds that he soon would be?

nick said...

Congrats to whoever organised the re3union. Sorry to have missed it . other commitments. It was a lovely school and I wouldnt be living 400 yds from it if I didnt have good memories. Not sure how all this works , but am close by at 24 elcombe if any contemporaries want to visit. Cheers Nick benn

nick said...

Alan. please let me know if you have another bash. Only heard about this one 2 days before and would have loved to have attended.Nick benn '55-60'

Alan Davis said...

Hi Nick, There seemed to be an appetite for another reunion but I think next year is too soon, hence my thoughts for 2011. Keep an eye on this blog as it really is the only way I can communicate such things!
It's also nice to know that there is somebody still 'local' to Uley.

Nigel Cant said...

I am Nigel Cant I was at SH 1949-1955, then went to Bryanston.
now a town planning consultant with an office in Dursley. Would have come to the reunion if I had known about it with my eldest son Richard SH 1969-1974 plus Jeremy Astley-Spark and he was 1950-1956 plus his son, also Peter Bush 1950-1956 also Tim Franco local doctor in Dursley and several others.

We look forward to hearing about the next do.


Jonathan said...

Hello Nigel, welcome to the gang. Maybe see you next time... Thanks for the other names and dates.

Anonymous said...

Was Jeremey Lee-Browne related to the Headmaster of Rendcombe College,Cirencester?

Anthony (Tony) Sweeting 1944/48 said...

I have only just found this site having recently been contacted by Graeme Scott who jogged my memory by mentioning Stouts Hill also Christopher Stott and I are on each others Christmas Card list. So many names come flooding back seeing the Peter Pan Play Programme and the Old Boys list. Hope to be able to add to some blogs and send some photos (if someone will tell me how!!)

Jonathan said...

Hello Tony, thanks for dropping in. You seem to have worked out how to participate in the blog. The photos on display at the moment are all in my own space on Flickr; if you'd like to contribute to that collection, you're welcome to send me scanned images (or even photographic prints or negatives). You can find my e-mail address here; feel free to ask questions.

Unknown said...

hey i am Nick. Congrats to whoever organised the re3union. Sorry to have missed it . other commitments. It was a lovely school and I wouldnt be living 400 yds from it if I didnt have good memories.

Unknown said...

Hello, Im David Clemes 1968 to 1974 i believe :)
Had the nickname DUCK, no idea why !
I recently went back and visited the school, got a flood of memories. Im very glad to find this blog , good work. I live outside the UK but if your planning another reunion i would like to try and attend.
David Clemes

Jonathan said...

Hello and welcome, David. I'd guess that your nickname may have come very simply from your initials, DC. But what do I know? I left the school before you arrived. According to the Stouts Hill Magazine, you arrived in autumn 1969 and left in summer 1974.

I also live outside the UK, in Spain. As far as I know, no further reunion is currently planned, but of course anyone can organize another one. Perhaps Alan Davis has had enough after bravely organizing two.

Egypt said...


Unknown said...

I have found some more old photos
Who should I contact?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Giles Walker said...

Could you please add me to any list you have concerning old boys. My name is Giles Walker and I was at Stouts Hill from 1975-79.
I have good memories of the place and people. My website is I will keep an eye open for any reunions etc.

Jonathan said...

Hello Giles and welcome. I've added you to the list above. Check the links at the side for photos and other material on the Web.

Alan Davis said...

Hello Giles. I believe we were in the same form together 'back in the day'! Good to see you on here.

Anonymous said...

Hello, everyone

I'm David Povey and was at Stouts Hill in the 1960s. I've only just discovered this blog, but it's excellent. My memories are mixed but I certainly had some good times: the beautiful location; playing sports, especially football, cricket and tennis; the great teachers such as Messrs Birchall and Woods, and Cdr Staveley. I recall some of my friends: David Quinn (his terrific impressions made me laugh), Robert Mills (I remember him singing Flanders and Swann), John Charles-Jones (who I was friends with for many years) and Joey Evans. Reading some of the blogs also brings back memories of dog-end pie, Soggy Sawden, Beech House and South Bend. Has anyone mentioned our newsletter, the Upper Six Irregular? Was there ever a secret tunnel from Stouts Hill to Uley Church? Gosh, it was all so long ago.

Jonathan said...

Welcome David! You don't seem to remember me (Jonathan Palfrey), and I remember you only slightly, although I was at SH 1963-67 and (according to my records) you were there 1963-68, going on afterwards to St Edwards, Oxford. Perhaps you were a bit younger than me? I was born in March 1954. I remember the people you mention. I don't seem to remember the Upper Sixth Irregular, which is odd, but it may be another hole in my memory (I have a very holey memory). Or was it a 1968 phenomenon? I left after summer 1967.

You may like to look at the SH photos I collected on Flickr, if you haven't already seen them.

David Povey said...

Hello, Jonathan. Likewise, I think I remember you only slightly. I was born in May 1955 and was in the year below you. Unearthing the classic novels (with the Kingfisher school crest) I received as prizes, to lend to my neighbour, brought back memories of Stouts Hill and led me to your site. Your photo collection is fascinating - I also have the one with me in it, taken outside castle walls (a school trip to Berkeley or Warwick?). I also recognise Sitges which I gather is near where you live. I remember a group of us holidaying there in the 1970s, including two old SH'ers: my brother John and John Charles-Jones. I have tennis, football and cricket team photos not in your collection, containing the likes of Naveed Iqbal, Philip Everett, David Doolittle and three Williams, Cullen, Annandale and Maidlow. I remember rooming with Emile Farhi when taking the scholarship exams at Malvern, and singing in the choir at the Cheltenham Arts Festival (under Mr Pehkonen, I believe).

Jonathan said...

Good morning, David. Yes, I live just a few km inland from Sitges. I remember the names you mention; in particular, John Charles-Jones and Emile Farhi were in my year, and I met Emile again at the 2009 SH reunion organized by Alan Davis. If you feel like contributing any photos, I'd be glad to add them to the collection on Flickr, to which others have contributed in the past. You're welcome to contact me by e-mail; my address can be found here.

Unknown said...

Hello Jonathan
I haven't seen you since 1968!
In case anyone looks at the Stouts Hill Blogspot I thought I would let you know that, from a friend in Uley,
"Ian asked me to let you know that Heneage Brooke had died on Sat 6th March .He was 64.
Private funeral 12 th April 3.30 after drive through Uley .
Donations to RAF Benevolent fund .
Undertakers Clutterbuck of Cam"
He was a little boy when I "lost" him on one of my walks on Uley Bury.
from Marian Wood
you may remember me as Matron Marilyn

Jonathan said...

Hello Marian, thanks for the sad news about Heneage Brooke, which in fact I'd heard already from Roger Knott-Fayle; perhaps I should have thought to mention it here, although this blog isn't very active.

My last term at Stouts Hill was summer 1967, so don't think you would have seen me in 1968 -- unless you went on to Blundell's, as I did!

Best wishes, Jonathan

Anonymous said...

Some of the darkest times, were survived by "the teachings" of the old King John Hunting Lodge, Known as Stouts Hill.

Please add to my name the following next to my name, Richard Mechan;

Briton sues over Bahrain ‘torture’ | The Times

Sound incredibly but the old Kingfishers were tough.

Kind regards

Richard Mechan (1974-1979)

Michael Bird said...

Very pleased to have discovered this blog, quite by accident, while Googling "Mid" Kemp. Some great memories awoken and I am sorry to have missed the reunion 10+ years ago. My excuse is that I didn't know it was happening! For the record, I was one of the founding committee members of the Kingfisher Society, chosen apparently because I was living locally at the time. Hopefully, someone reading this will remember me. I was at the school from the summer term of 1960 until December 1963.

CRH (Robin) Clanahan said...

I was a pupil for a short period in 1948, while visiting from Rhodesia, as a 7-year old. I enjoyed it - having been home-schooled before then - and the school gave me a grounding on languages (I did drop Greek)and mathematics, as well as woodwork, that stood me in good stead through my 60-year career as a dam specialist in southern Africa. The only name I can remember is a fellow junior, surname Pike, who crafted a beautiful model narrowboat. I remember the woods, the spring flowers in the adjoining meadows, the like of which we do not have in Africa, and the weekly walk to the Norman church in shoes that were too small.

I have a vague recollection of being put on a train at Alderly Edge, with trunk and small suitcase, told I must change trains at Crewe and get off at Stroud, where I would be picked up. Of course, as an African farm kid, this was new for me and quite terrifying, although we had travelled by train from Salisbury (Harare) to Cape Town and thence by ship to Liverpool. I still have one of my school reports - "tries hard".

Thank you, Stout's Hill School, with the kingfisher badge.

CRH (Robin) Clanahan

Anonymous said...

I was at the school for just over a year till we moved to South Africa at the end of 69. Still have some vivid memories. Watching the moon landing was unforgettable. There was a report card saying I 'could try harder' signed R.A.B.
Glad I found this site again

Jonathan Hely-Hutchinson said...

Wasn't supposed to be an anonymous post